Here you can find all Intellectual Outputs of the project.
Assessment and Appeals Process
The assessment and appeals process complements the TeBeVAT-process for the validation and recognition of prior learning. In Conjunction with the final steps of the process, a pathway to a formalized recognition is finalized. The process developed from TeBeVAT 2 is thereby complemented by assessment standards and procedures, a formal appeals process in order to ensure the fairness of the assessment process, and the certification process, governing the issuing of credentials to candidates who successfully completed the assessment.
Assessor and Mentor Profiles
The assessor and mentor profiles set out requirments and training methodologies for the two roles inherent to the TeBeVAT process. Meanhwile the mentor supports the candidate in entering, prepraring and finalizing the validation process, the assessor is responsible for the fair, just and unbiased assessment of the candidates competences. In order to ensure comparable outcomes, quality standards for the assessment need to be met regarding assessment methods and conduct. Further, competences for both profiles based on the ESCo database were derived nd acomplement alongside the sectoral layer competences for the Event Technician profile the set of transferable, transparent and resuable competences developed under TeBeVAT.
Policy Recommendations
With the formal finalization and the preperation of the final documents, the TeBeVAt consortium prepared a concise document to provide an overview regarding every detail of the TeBeVAT process. The document is geared towards outside stakeholders like governing bodies, schools and other decision makers to get behind the idea of TeBeVAT and to decide on the further application the contents inscribed. The documents provide an overview of the work carried out so far, recent developments in education and prospects for TeBeVAt (Micro-Credentials) and finally demands and recommendations in order to increase resilience and permeability on the labour market of evet technicians.
TeBeVAT Wiki
The TeBeVAT Wiki provides a digital library regarding all TeBeVAt contents. The library provides not only information about all the terms included and developed in the course of the TeBeVAT1-3 project series, but also a representation of all competences derived from ESCO and detailed in the sectoral layer. Enclosed you can find excerpts of the entire Wiki, which you can freely access, by clicking here.