Here you can find Intellectual Outputs of the project.
IO1 TeBeVAT Process
This document provides an overview of the TeBeVAT process which was extended and revised during the runtime of the project. The different steps that a candidate goes through, are described in detail. The process is divided into six phases: The Identification Phase, the Documentation Phase, the Personal Development Plan, the Assessment, the Appeals Process, and the Certification/Validation. The illustration of the certification was left blanc, because it was out of scope of the current project. Additionally, the idea of the Lifelong Learning Document Tool (LLDT) and the planned online platform, which is based on a Semantic Open Learner Model (SOLM), are explained. For each process step, the respective stakeholders and their liabilities are depicted in different colours. The illustrations are available in Dutch, English, German, and Italian.
IO1 QM Guideline
This document is a supplement to the process overview. In TeBeVAT, the Appeals Process goes hand in hand with a Quality Management that underlies the process. It has the purpose to guarantee fairness, transparency and equal treatment to all candidates. In this document, we describe the standard on which the process is based, the EN ISO 17024-2012 norm for conformity assessments. It will be explained what this means for the implementation in TeBeVAT and how it also relates to the mentor that supports the candidates. This publication is available in English, German, and Italian.
The Lifelong Learning Document Tool (LLDT) is the core of the TeBeVAT process. With the help of this tool, the candidate does a self-evaluation of his competences and documents what he has learned in the past which includes also background information about the CV of the person. It is used to collect information that may prove that he possesses the claimed competences from the self-evaluation. Therefore, it may be considered as the portfolio of the candidate. Originally, it was named diagnostic tool because the mentor uses the very same tool to do the TeBeVAT Skill Scan. He evaluates if there are gaps between self-image and external image of the candidate and consults him on training and education if necessary. As all this should be seen in the context of lifelong learning, the tool was renamed to LLDT. This file is available in English, the original language in which it was validated during the pilot study.
IO1 TeBeVAT Competences
This document includes the full list of ESCO competences that are relevant for the different occupational profiles within the area of stage- and event technology. These are the competences, that are included in the LLDT. The list is the foundation for the self-evaluation, the TeBeVAT Skills Scan and the Assessment. For better traceability, this file contains also the uniform resource identifier (permanent web link) of the ESCO database for each competence. The list is available in English, German, and Italian. Please note, that the translations of the descriptions were done by the project team because database only translates the titles of the competences.
IO1 Health&Safety Competence
This document is a supplement to the competence list, as well as the training and education plan. It was worked out as an example for ten health & safety competences. The file links the ESCO competences to the respective national qualification framework of the countries. Hence, it explains why this competence was considered relevant for the occupational profile. In addition, it also contains possible strategies for an assessment of the respective competence and further details like the scope note from ESCO. Those details facilitate the work of the mentor to advise on training and education and help the candidate to better understand the essence of a competence in the self-evaluation. For a continuation of the project, it is planned to provide this information for all competences. The list is available in English, German, and Italian.
IO1 Interview Guide
This is the guideline that was used for the interviews with the candidates in the pilot study. It contains a series of questions that were posed to the candidates and mentors. To begin, the candidates completed the first half of the TeBeVAT process, the identification and documentation phase with the help of the mentor. Afterwards they were interviewed following this guideline and their answers were noted down for analysis. It is available in English only because we conducted the pilot study in English.
IO1 Analysis of Interviews
This document summarizes all results from the interviews. The responses of the candidates were recorded, coded, and analysed using an approach based on Grounded Theory. It will be explained how the results may be interpreted and how they can be out in relation to a continuation of the project. Exemplary answers are listed in the text. The analysis is available in English, German, and Italian.
IO2 Checklist Mentor
This document contains a guideline with standards that apply to the mentor. The mentor is the main contact person for the candidate. He supports him in many aspects and guides him through the process. With the help of the mentor in the TeBeVAT Skill Scan, the candidate prepares for an assessment of his competences. The mentor also advises on training and education. Therefore, it is essential that his roles, liabilities and qualifications are transparent and documented. The checklist for a good mentor is available in English, German, and Italian.
IO3 Training and Education Plan
In the training and education plan, different teaching and training approaches are described. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are explained. It facilitates the work of the mentor and gives him a guideline at hand how he could advise the candidate a suiting learning strategy for his needs. This document is available in English, German, and Italian.
IO4 Glossary
In the TeBeVAT glossary, all relevant terms from TeBeVAT, as well as the areas of event technology and learning and education are explained. With this glossary, the team tried to ensure that a common understanding of the different words is established. All relevant vocabulary used in the project can be found this list. All terms and their respective explanations are available in Dutch, English, German, and Italian.
This version includes all four languages.